Monday 23 February 2015

CoF - Animated Scenes 4

In Scene 23, the protagonist must reach for a daffodil that is close to a dragon's snout. She is unsure if he is dead or sleeping but she can't take the risk, so she'll just stretch t get it. This is probably the only scene i experimented with 1s. It took a lot of time but at least now i see how it looks like. I did it like other scene, i copied a lot of body elements to keep the proportions right.

In Scene 25, she wakes up from the flash back and finds out that the dragon was actually hers. In the planned animatic, she would be crouched as far away from him as possible so she won't stir him. Her next pose would be for her to hug the dragon . If she were too far, that would have been too much to animate dragging herself to the dragon.

Apologies if there will be too many typos in the upcoming keyboard is acting up. 

In Scene 26, she find the next daffodil next to a flag. There are a lot of scene of her kneeling down in this short, so for this one, i decided i would make her throw down her sword first and then kneel.

In scene 28 she wakes up from another flash back, with her daffodil in her hand and she will straighten the flag next to her.

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